Month: November 2015



What I see in my area- A visit to the museum

(work of 6th graders supervised by Angela Ikonomou)

According to a legend, Great Alexander was in love with the wife of the king of Thrace..During a visit at Alexander’s palace the king decides to put a spell on him for revenge .Alexander got suspicious and did not go out that night but the queen went to find him and was ‘enchanted’ together with her companions ( God Dionysus next to a panther, Aura in her veil, Ariadne with  a wreathe of vine leaves, Lida and the swan,Menaed playing the flute, Ganymede with Zeus disguised as an eagle,  winged Nike  with the head of a lion at her feet and Dioskouros with a horse lying at his feet).  Continue reading “LAS INCANTADAS”

An Erasmus+ project

Wake up my European senses is an Erasmus+ project 2015 – 2017 : two years to share our practice and work together about five senses. We will create short videos :

  • in History, the videos will explain, by relying on the 5 senses, a representative historical period of each region, to achieve a timeline of great moments in the history of Europe.
  • in Science, the videos will explain experiments describing the operation of the five senses, their purposes and their usages.
  • in Art, the videos will discover techniques in different aspects of Art.