Month: January 2016

The Art of film making-Thessaloniki Cinema Museum

3rd grade students of Neo Rysio Primary School visited the Cinema Museum in Thessaloniki to work on a project on Vision in Art.They created  “thavmatotropia”-thavma=miracle,tropos=turning-a game invented in the 19th century.The particular process is the basis for the conception of movement used in film making and in cartoon films.

TREE’S DAY at the prymary school of SERMONETA SCALO in Italy

On November 21st italian schools dedicate this school day to our friend the tree with several activities . This year  all children of our school were involved in olives harvesting from the olive trees of our school garden; November is the best month to do this…


……Some grandparents explained how to use the old tools and procedure to the children and helped them to do the harvest…..

i phone Marisa 1466 ritagliato

they picked up loads of olives ……..


………The day after we brought “our” olives to the oil mill  to make them pressed…..


.. and tasted “our” olive oil….

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